Digital Fabrication Training Sessions

Below are descriptions of all our current digital fabrication training sessions, along with a calendar of all the upcoming scheduled sessions. If you cannot find a session that fits your personal schedule, please contact us at with the equipment you want training on, and we will try to match you with one of our experienced project specialist trainers.


Ultimaker 3D Printing FSO

3D printing is a unique additive manufacturing technology, able to create physical objects out of almost any shape your mind can dream up. 3D printers take computer models, slice them into layers ,then draw each layer out of raw materials to create a complete shape.

Successful completion of the training session will certify you on the Ultimaker 3D printers, allowing you to book reservations at your own pace to complete your projects!


Epilog 120w Laser cutter & Engraver FSO

Lasers take a light source and focuses it to a tiny, powerful, beam that can cut straight through solid materials such as plastic, wood, and many organic materials. Lasers can also engrave and decorate an even wider variety of materials such as stone, glass, and even coated metals. There are many industrial and artistic possibilities.

Successful completion of the training session will certify you on the Epilog laser allowing you to book reservations at your own pace to complete your projects!