Would you like to become part of a diverse community of like-minded, creative people who are changing the world? Sign up below.
Monthly User Access, Recurring Plan
(1-Month Recurring Autopay).
Student Monthly User Access, Recurring
(1-Month Recurring Autopay)
*must provide proof of active student status
Annual User Access, Recurring Plan
12-Months+ 1-Month you may keep or gift! Includes 2 FSO training sessions
Corporate group plans
Contact us for custom pricing for your team of 3+ people, get special pricing on access plans, training, and storage tailored to fit your needs.
Family add-on
Partner add-on: Available by request, $150 per month
Children age 12 - 18: Available by request, $75 per month
**(Minors under 18 years old must be accompanied by guardian at all times, minors under 16 years old only have access to limited equipment.)
Must have one active full-price access plan to use family add-ons, contact our member services staff for more details.
All Humanmade users are required to maintain a clean, safe, and friendly environment at all times. We are a small community made-up of fellow creatives, employees and dedicated volunteers, so please be kind to other community members and staff. All users are required to return tools and personal materials to their proper places.
Please see the FAQ’s page for more information
Access plans rules & restrictions
*ALL Monthly User Access Plans (1-Month Recurring Autopay) subscriptions will automatically be billed every month. Monthly Access will automatically renew each month unless you notify Humanmade of your cancellation seven (7) business days before the next billing due date. You must email the Accounts Department at to cancel your Access Plan autopay.
**ALL Annual User Access Plan subscribers will receive a 1-Month Access Plan for their prepaid purchase. The 1-Month Access Plan may be kept by the user, or may be gifted to another individual of their choosing or may be donated. If the user does not choose to keep the 1-Month Access Plan, simply email to initiate the transfer. If gifted or donated, the 1-Month Access Plan will not include a recurring autopay subscription. ALL Annual User Access Plans will automatically roll into a Monthly User Access Plan (1-Month Recurring Autopay) subscription after the initial 12 months have expired (or 13 months if user chooses to keep the additional 1-Month Access Plan), unless you notify Humanmade of cancellation seven (7) business days before the post-annual monthly billing due date. You must email the Accounts Department at to cancel your Access Plan autopay.